When your car becomes a green house your car A/C better be working! Bring your car to Greggs Automotive Repair & Maintenance and we’ll check out your car A/C. Our A/C Performance Check thoroughly examines intricate A/C system components and their performance. This check is well worth it, and helps prevent you from taking a beating from the heat.
To keep your engine running newer, longer, you need to keep up with your vehicle’s most frequently needed service — an oil change. If you didn’t change your oil at all? You could see permanent engine damage that could require extensive repairs or replacement. Not good. Greggs Automotive Repair & Maintenance is ready when you need that change with a full line of synthetic blend and full synthetic oil services.
Repairing or replacing your transmission can be one of the most expensive repairs you may have to make on your vehicle. Maintaining your transmission according to your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations, not only prolongs its life but it can prevent a costly repair or breakdown in the future.
At regular intervals, your vehicle manufacturer also recommends a more complete inspection of the major systems. For this more in-depth check of your vehicle, we offer a Complete Vehicle Inspection. In addition to the courtesy check, we offer an inspection of the brake, suspension and exhaust systems to make sure they meet the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications.